Feature image for Feature update: Cloud Builder 2.0

Feature update: Cloud Builder 2.0

We devoted this week to writing a new Cloud Builder that is designed to create prettier clouds and work better on lower-performance computers.

Will Poynter
Profile image of Will Poynter

Will Poynter

2 mins
Feature image for Feature update: Colours

Feature update: Colours

This week's update is focused on making it easier to pick good colour combinations to make beautiful word clouds

Will Poynter
Profile image of Will Poynter

Will Poynter

2 mins
Feature image for What is a word cloud, what are they are good for, and what they not good for?

What is a word cloud, what are they are good for, and what they not good for?

Word clouds have grown in popularity since they first appeared about twenty years ago. In this post, I look at what word clouds are, what they are good for, and I will also discuss what word clouds are not good for.

Ray Poynter
Profile image of Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

4 mins
Feature image for A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, viewed via Word Cloud Plus

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, viewed via Word Cloud Plus

In this post Ray Poynter uses Word Cloud Plus to look at Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.

Ray Poynter
Profile image of Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

2 mins
Feature image for A letter to Santa from five countries analyzed using World Cloud Plus

A letter to Santa from five countries analyzed using World Cloud Plus

In December, we launched a study using our Fastuna platform in 5 countries: USA, UK, Germany, Australia and Brazil. In each country, we asked 100 people about their happiest moment this year, and what they would ask Santa for.

Ray Poynter
Profile image of Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

3 mins
Feature image for What makes a great presenter? Analysis via Word Cloud Plus

What makes a great presenter? Analysis via Word Cloud Plus

NewMR and The Future Place have recently launched the first iteration of Word Cloud Plus – a better way to create word clouds. In this post, I show how I am using Word Cloud Plus to look at open-ended comments from surveys.

Ray Poynter
Profile image of Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

3 mins
Feature image for Factors and Premises Affecting Insights and Market Research over the Next Five Years

Factors and Premises Affecting Insights and Market Research over the Next Five Years

I am working on a new insights/MR scenario project with a time horizon of five years from now. One of the first steps in the scenario-creating process is to gather together the key factors and premises. The Premises are things that are likely to be important and which, for the purposes of this project, we are going to assume will be predictable during the timespan of the project. The Factors are items which are also important, but where there are two or more plausible forms they might take duri

Ray Poynter
Profile image of Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

2 mins
Feature image for What is the difference between strategy and tactics – and why are tactics so important?

What is the difference between strategy and tactics – and why are tactics so important?

Too many people, too often, seem to think the future is all about strategy. People often shun the everyday needs of tactics for the glory of being strategic. However, this is often a mistake, there is usually more work to be done with tactics than with the strategic. The Art of War The terms Strategic and Tactical can be traced back to Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”, written about 2500 years ago. Szu Tzu writes “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is t

Ray Poynter
Profile image of Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

2 mins