What did people think about the new Barbie film?

Ray Poynter
Profile image of Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

2 mins

I haven’t seen the new Barbie movie yet, so I thought it would be interesting to download some reviews from people who have seen it and consider what they said. In this post, I will highlight what I discovered from downloading 225 reviews from Google.

Using a Word Cloud
Because there were 225 reviews, reading them all would be time-consuming, so I used Word Cloud Plus. First, I downloaded the reviews from Google and pasted them into Word Cloud Plus. I set Barbie, Movie and Review to be stop words since they were, in essence, parts of the question, and it was the answers I was interested in.

Here is the word cloud I produced.

Word cloud from the film Barbie

Real people were tops
The most prominent features of the cloud were Margot Robbie (who played Barbie), Ryan Gosling (who played Ken), Greta Gerwig (the director), and America Ferra (who played Gloria). Most of the mentions of these people were positive, but few things are 100%, and there was a smattering of negative mentions. I highlighted the people mentions in green on the cloud.

A whole lot of love
Many reviewers liked the movie a lot, using phrases like ‘absolutely loved’, ‘amazing’, ‘perfect’ and ‘highly recommended’. These positive comments are highlighted in the cloud in red.

Down with the Patriarchy
Most people who mentioned the patriarchy thought it was good that the film highlighted societal problems. But (as I said before), nothing is 100%, and a few people disliked the references to patriarchy.  The references linked to patriarchy are highlighted in blue.

Well crafted
Comments highlight the set design, the product and the attention to detail. But there was one craft area with a different take.

The plot thickens
The comments about the plot were primarily negative. The complaints included changes in direction, predictable, and clichéd.

So what?
I think I will see the film.  I am expecting a well filmed and acted movie that will be a relatively light experience, with liberal/progressive views that are from my side of the barricades. I am not expecting too much philosophy from the plot.

Have you seen it?
If you’ve seen it already, why not leave a comment about how well the cloud above chimed with your experience?

Want to build your own word clouds?
Word Cloud Plus is free to use for this sort of cloud and you can try it by clicking here.