Feature update: A couple of little helpers

Will Poynter
Profile image of Will Poynter

Will Poynter

2 mins

This week's feature update comprises two small changes to make using Word Cloud Plus easier to use.

Auto Zoom

When creating a word cloud using Word Cloud Plus, it is possible to create a graphic in a range of different sizes and dimensions. This configurability coupled with our primary focus of using the font size of a phrase to connote significance creates a challenge to know the correct font size for the largest and smallest phrases. We originally solved this problem by allowing the user to control the zoom level of their cloud themselves, which had the added benefit that the graphic could be made to fit the user's tastes.

The drawback of this approach though is the first version of the word cloud might look very unattractive and not be that useful. This doesn't meet our goal of making it simple to have a powerful word cloud easily. Therefore, we have introduced the Auto Zoom feature.

An example of viewing the Auto Zoom feature on Word Cloud Plus

When a new word cloud is created Auto Zoom is enabled by default. The zoom level will be adjusted automatically so that the phrases fill the space available without any being cropped. Auto Zoom can be disabled at any time and the user can manually adjust the zoom level to get the exact effect they are looking for.

Emphasis in References

The second small improvement we delivered this week is designed to make it easier to use the "References" tab when clicking on a phrase.

An example of emphasis in references in action for the phrase "green whiskers" from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Now when a user looks at the references for a phrase, the phrase is emphasised using bold to make the phrase easier to spot at speed.

Next Week

You may also notice that Word Cloud Plus has undergone a little bit of a nip and tuck this week, this is in preparation for next week's update. In our next update, we will be releasing the first paid version of Word Cloud Plus. This will give users the ability to remove the watermark from their exports. Additionally, over the next few weeks, we will release a string of new features available to paid users only.

Don't worry though, the free version with all the current features will remain which anyone can use without limits.