Big feature update: Premium version launched

Will Poynter
Profile image of Will Poynter

Will Poynter

1 min

This week's feature update is possibly the most exciting yet for the Word Cloud Plus team. We are pleased to announce that we have launched the premium version of Word Cloud Plus.

What do I get in Premium?

Our Premium users will be allowed to use Word Cloud Plus for commercial purposes, therefore they will be able to export and use word clouds without the watermark. The watermark on the free version has been updated to make it more clear that commercial use is not permitted.

Additionally, we are going to be releasing a set of new features over the next few weeks that will make Word Cloud Plus more powerful and these will exclusively be available on the premium version.

How do I get Premium?

Premium requires a paid subscription which can be paid for using all major credit cards and Google pay. There are options for either a monthly or annual subscription for $7.99 and $79.99 respectively.

In recognition of the Agile way we are releasing the Premium features and to celebrate the launch of Word Cloud Plus Premium, we are offering everyone a 60-day free trial to get to know Word Cloud Plus and our expanding feature set before having to pay.

Future Premium features

Over the next few weeks, we are going to look at several ambitious features that we will offer to our Premium members. Potential features include:

  • Being able to apply coding to phrases
  • Analysis of how and where a phrase is being used
  • Cloud-sync to backup work and transfer it between computers
  • More extensive font capabilities (e.g. more Google fonts or custom fonts)
  • Semi-automated cleaning tool

None of these features are guaranteed, as we still need to scope the value and difficulty of each, but if you are interested in any of these, or another feature idea not listed, please let us know.